Author: Dr. Nathan Van Sertima
Community leader Rev. Dr.
Franklyn Beckles, Jr., a former Richmond County School Teacher and famous
children’s rights advocate helped to achieve an historic Civil Rights Crusade
against injustice and bullying in Richmond County Public Schools on June 5, 2013
– in Augusta Georgia. He was followed by his wife Adrian, son Christian, and
large supporters who marched from Pyramid Music on Broad Street to the Richmond
County Board of Education Office in protest to the rapid abuse of children in
public schools and to expose the corruption, racism, and history of scandals by
the Richmond County Board of Education. The group delivered a petition to the
incompetent School Superintendent Frank Roberson requesting the removal of the
embattled and dishonest Copeland Elementary School Principal Kim Davis, proving
that she had disrespected parents, disregarded their civil rights and aided in
abusing students. The Civil Rights Leader Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr., was the
only man in the community with the courage to address the crisis of racial
injustice in schools and businesses in the Central Savannah River Area,
primarily in Augusta, Georgia. Dr. Beckles successfully led the fight against
public school injustice and corruption, as did his father Aiken Technical
College Professor Franklyn V. Beckles, Sr., in Aiken South Carolina where he
established the first successful all-black private school (Aiken Academy), to
combat the public school dropout rate of minority children inspired by the
Aiken County Board of Education. In most cases the victims are usually African
American men and boys- (read book “The Conspiracy against Black Boys”)…
Sadistic and feminist School Principals like Kimberly Davis of Copeland
Elementary School (a school with a long history of internal problems with
female principals and criminal investigations by the G.B.I.), have been a vice
on the civil rights of young black men and mocks the legacy of Dr. Martin
Luther King, Jr. Lisa McClure, a parent published this letter on 05-16-2011:
“Mrs. Davis is unprofessional in the manner she addresses issues and she makes
it a point to let everyone know she is in charge in a rude & disgraceful
manner. The Board is weary of helping us for some reason. They seem to be
putting this in a slow moving motion.” It was complaints like this that have
been published or filed against the R.C.B.O.E. for decades since desegregation!
It’s a serious issue, School Boards all over the nation like the Richmond
County Board of Education, has been covering up documented scandals of child abuse,
sexual abuse, unfair job hiring policies, immoral feminism, racism,
black-on-black crimes for several decades. And only one church pastor and
community leader chose to do something about it, especially when his son,
Christian Beckles was victimized and bullied at Copeland Elementary School by a
female student. Cities like Augusta, Georgia, and Aiken, South Carolina are
infamous for allowing social injustice toward minority men to go unpunished in
the CSRA. Of all of the public agencies in Augusta, the RCBOE is the worst in
regards to violating peoples’ civil rights and impeding litigations. The one
government facility that ranks second to them is the Richmond County Fire
Department, where its fire chief is notorious for lying and evading routine public
scandals of departmental corruption. The RCBOE has a history of child
negligence by teachers and school administrators hired and protected by
unprofessional board members and political “fat cats”. That way of conducting
educational values, finally reached a boiling point and sparked local and
national outrage in 2013. Initial reports state that it all started at Copeland
Elementary School, when a boy was beaten and locked in a closet by a female
teacher. At first, the local media was on the side of the victimized students
and televised news coverage of Richmond County parents along with their kids
(including Dr. Beckles and his son Christian), and many witnesses publicly
documenting a list of serious and criminal allegations of abuse,
discrimination, black-on-black crime, incompetence, bullying, violence on
school buses, abandoned children, and racism on the part of many school
teachers, bus drivers, and principals for the Richmond County School
System. Addressing these valid
accusations, news reporters like Tyrone McCoy noticed that the Superintendent,
Board Members, and entire RCBOE Staff were simply ignoring these complaints and
paid numerous parents to keep quite or settled several lawsuits by former
employees and students. But the most alarming thing was the blatant political
“damage control” to discredit and lie about their accusers, and coerced the
racist local news stations to switch sides targeting the band of minority
parents and their spokesman unfairly with verbal abuse and threats. Also the Board
Members and Superintendent (most of them African American) collaborated with
the corrupt Richmond County Sheriff’s Department to frame or falsely arrest the
male complainants, hiring cyberbullies from hate groups in local feminist &
racist organizations to slander complainants online in a pathetic effort to
shut them up, and enlisting the legendary racist and slanderous newspaper
company– The Augusta Chronicle to post and routinely publish tons of
fabrications attacking and cyberbullying parents like Rev. Dr. Franklyn V.
Beckles, Jr. More Parents eagerly petitioned against several disgraced school
principals and RCBOE employees like: Joretta Akpo-Sanni, Wayne Frazier, Charles
Smith, Tim Spivey, PTA leaders Renaldo Woolfolk, and Monique Braswell (for embezzling
PTA funds)!! But the main person who inspired public outcry for her removal
from office was Kimberly Davis of Copeland Elementary School, for repeatedly
dodging complaints about her teachers physically or sexually abusing students,
refusing to educate disabled kids, female teachers attacking parents, and
school administration employees filing false police reports on students and
parents who lodged complaints. The final straw was when Copeland Elementary
Teacher Ms. Francine Wynn assaulted and locked a male student in her classroom
closet (the horrifying incident was witnessed by the entire class). Principal
Davis lied to protect the teacher from prosecution and losing her job, simply
because she was a woman! Unfortunately, in the Western world, especially
America, this immoral feminist behavior is how most people conduct corporate or
governmental procedures. They misguidedly put women on pedestals in society and
give them a free license to sabotage the civil rights of men, and are the main
causes for job discrimination and domestic abuse against men. To make matters
worse, initially the School Board and the Superintendent refused to fire the
abusive teacher. Everyone made excuses for her because the child was a boy and
the teacher was a woman. Clearly, most parents in the community were outraged
at a local elementary school principal for what they’re children were
witnessing and experiencing. Many reports and news articles about the
allegations were submitted to newspapers like the Augusta Chronicle (owned by
K.K.K. member Billy Morris), including information reported regarding scandals
by other corrupt agencies like: the Richmond County Sheriff’s Department, Aiken
County Police Departments, and Augusta Fire Departments. To date, the Augusta
Chronicle Staff and local media affiliates has a long standing tradition for
covering up and publishing lies to make the CSRA communities and the city of
Augusta look good, and are willing to go to any lengths to do that, including:
committing unlawful subversive acts, racism, and slandering minority leaders.
On the historic day of June 5, 2013; Rev. Dr. Frank Beckles led a civil rights
march with victimized parents and children, and confronted
Superintendent Frank Roberson and
the RCBOE, (while Kimberly Davis was hiding in another building giving a secret
television interview to finally respond to the many allegations of her
misconduct). The protesters were mistreated just like the civil right marchers
in the 1960s (the only difference today is that the racists are both black
& white)! The RCBOE, hurled police officers at the group who were
protesting peacefully, the Superintendent tore up their signed petition of over
300 signatures calling for Davis’s removal. RCBOE employees and racist news
reporters like Tracey McManus and Susan McCord (among others) immediately began
verbally attacking, cursing, and threatening the parents in front of their
children! The camera men instinctively cut off their cameras to look on the
childish display on the part of adults who were supposed to be acting
professional. The RCBOE female employees behaved insanely –yelling and spitting
on Dr. Beckles and the rest of the parents, just like the white bystanders did
to black civil right protestors in the 60’s. As I looked on in horror, I was the
only one recording the incident with my cellphone. The Board of Education
deliberately set in motion a “Damage Control” effort, to falsely attack the
character of the Leader of the protest, who was only protecting the rights of
his son and courageously defending other children who have been mistreated and
abused by the disgraceful and dishonest School Principal Kimberly Davis and her
unqualified Administrate staff!! WJBF, WFXG, The Augusta Chronicle, and others-
all omitted facts, footage, public threats by Frank Roberson, and negated
recorded witness statements proving that Dr. Beckles and the other parents were
being honest, performing their civic duties, and had presented evidence of all
allegations during their protest meeting with Frank Roberson and the Richmond
County Board of Education. At NO time did the Local News from that day on,
accurately report the events of this historic Civil Rights March against
Bullying and Child Abuse in Augusta’s public schools (which public records show
has been going on since the 1970s). Nor did the Media televise the Parents
confronting the disreputable Superintendent and demanding answers! The Augusta
Chronicle and the News Media clearly refused to report or publish the truth,
revealing that Rev. Dr. Beckles and the group of parents DID have and presented
documented proof to back up their claims! Instead, The Augusta Chronicle
spearheaded a liable and racist campaign of: false news reports, misleading
information, cyberbullying, and slanderous articles (for which they have been
sued for by other victims many times). Instead of accurately reporting the
hottest news story of the year 2013, they unwittingly conspired with the
Richmond County Board of Education, to railroad an honorable man, Church
Pastor, and father of five kids along with other concerned parents and
teachers, who are all good people and law bidding citizens with legitimate
grievances. The modern civil right protesters were obliviously seen as a threat
to a corrupt political machine of dishonest and immoral city leaders that all
had a vested interest in protecting the RCBOE. The evidence to prove the
misconduct allegations against The Richmond County School Board and the
embattled School Principal was promptly submitted to an attorney for another
civil lawsuit against the evil school officials!! The Augusta Chronicle’s
efforts to conceal the latest RCBOE scandal, was in fact to protect the
fractured image of the Augusta School Board and aid a psychopathic school
principal (still employed) who has been mistreating, abusing, and wrongfully
suspending good children for years!! Tyrone McCoy, WJBF Journalist stated-
“Some Parents at Copeland Elementary School say Principal Kimberly Davis has
lost control of the school, and they’ve signed a petition demanding that she be
replaced. Rev. Dr. Frank Beckles, Jr., says his son’s glasses were broken when
he was bullied and Principal Davis failed to do anything about it. So, he took
the issue up with the Richmond County Board of Education. I spoke with Ms.
Missoura Ashe (a habitual liar), who assured me that everything would be taken
care of and, of course, it wasn’t. Another parent, Iesha McClendon, also spoke
out against the principal at Copeland Elementary School. She says Davis sent
her child home from school, without a write-up, in the car of a faculty member.
The outraged mother took the issue straight to the principal.” Like Dr.
Beckles, McClendon says she then turned to the Richmond County Board of
Education, speaking with Deputy Superintendent Tim Spivey, but that appears to
be as far as their complaints went. Richmond County School Superintendent Frank
Roberson says this is the first he’s heard of these accusations (one of many
lies told by Roberson), but that he intends to resolve them. Some teachers also
appear to be concerned about how discipline is handled in Richmond County.”
Habitually the Board of Education maintained a “clueless” attitude toward
sexual or physical abuse and bullying (read Augusta Chronicle 2014 scandal on
employee Charles Smith), and the Superintendent and administrators were not
telling the truth or admitting to the problem. The
Board of Education had also been
dealing with several harassment suits at the time. Still, the
Superintendent said things are
under control. McCoy asked: “Mr. Roberson, is there a problem in
Richmond County schools?” He
answered- “There’s not a problem in Richmond County Schools,” when in fact, the
RCBOE has been suffering from repeated public scandal, discrimination lawsuits,
sexual abuse, teacher dismissals, and “revolving door” of appointments for new
Superintendents (after the scandal Roberson’s employment contract was
terminated, and of course, this time they hired a female Superintendent with a
checkered background in education from DeKalb County, Ms. Angela Pringle, and
like Roberson, she’s no stranger to misconduct or lying to protect her own
ass). The June 5, 2013 March against the RCBOE, will live on in infamy. Because
the corrupt and racist political machines of the CSRA (like the Richmond County
Board of Education), has been a mockery of the civil rights legacy, and
continues to erode the constitutional rights of African American men. Only one
man stood up to them and faced the onslaught of their vicious attacks;
including being falsely arrested, threatened, slandered, bullied, and
black-balled. Just like what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., endured. Its brave
men like Dr. Franklyn Victor Beckles, Jr., who are true heroes and what remains
of Dr. King’s fragmented legacy. Not the evil men and women or “uncle tom” Negroes
that suck up to the immorality and feminism of the white man’s world. No wonder
good citizens and role models like Rev. Dr. Frank Beckles are constantly lied
on and unfairly targeted for standing up against injustice. Look at what evil
black feminist liars are doing to the American icon, Bill Cosby!!
References: Based on proven factual documents published by
former RCBOE teachers, honest news reporters who lost their jobs, school
administrators, public records, police reports, complaints, news articles, and
dozens of eye witness statements.
Augusta Chronicle Claims Fall Short Racist Tabloid Newspaper Staff full
of Liars!
Don’t buy anything from the Augusta Chronicle! It’s nothing
but a racist tabloid newspaper, owned by a Klu Klux Klan member, and operated
by a staff full of professional redneck liars and evil degenerates! The Augusta
Chronicle has a long history of public scandal, supporting police and
government corruption, slandering honest African Americans, harassment, and
racial profiling and discrimination against African American men! Do not buy
any newspapers from that scandalous tabloid newspaper!!!
Famous Community Leader Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr., organized the first historic Civil Rights Crusade against Racial Injustice and Bullying in Richmond County Schools in the history of the state of Georgia!
Famous Community Leader: DR. FRANKLYN BEN YOSEF (Formerly known as: DR. FRANKLYN V. BECKLES, JR.). Online True Biography: (Credit Historical Article profiling Famed Civil Rights Pioneer Dr. Franklyn Victor Beckles, Jr. By: © Emily Rose Bennett and Black Historians: Nathan Van Sertima Documented by Journalist Emily Rose and Black History Biographer Nathan Van Sertima “A MOMENT IN BLACK HISTORY”: Book Author Dr. Franklyn Victor Beckles, Jr., is the first African American to organize and lead a civil rights march to protest bullying, and racial profiling and discrimination in Public Schools in Augusta Georgia! Read about his inspiring works as a Community Leader by Author Nathan Van Sertima: “Dr. Beckles vs. the Richmond County Board of Education” (
Dr. Franklyn Ben Yosef (a.k.a. Dr. Franklyn Victor Beckles, Jr.), and Mrs. Adrian Felicia Beckles (Parents) THEIR CHILDREN: Christian Alexander Beckles (Son) 10/23/02, Dayshia Jan’ee Beckles (Daughter) 6/16/09, Aleiyah Rosetrice Beckles (Daughter) 8/2/10, Miracle Victoria Alese Beckles (Daughter) 11/22/13, and Samiyah Nevaeh Beckles (Newborn Daughter) 09/23/15…
Dr. Ben Yosef was licensed to preach in 2005 and ordained to the gospel ministry in 2008 at the American Fellowship Church. He has been teaching in the Richmond county public school system for 4 years, and taught at Aiken Academy. In addition, is presently a graduate instructor in Christian Counseling and Dean of Specialized Studies and Operations at the Augusta Academy & Children’s Christian Center, and Church Pastor at New Life Church of God Ministries (2005-2010 He was The Church Bishop at The Sons for Christ Church of God).
Born in September 28, 1972, Dr. Franklyn Ben Yosef (Formerly known as Dr. Franklyn V. Beckles, Jr., the Courageous Professor Who EXPOSED corruption in the Richmond County Board of Education ), was educated in South Carolina, graduating from South Aiken High in 1991. He began traveling around the world serving his Country in The U.S. Armed Forces for approximately 10 years in The U.S. Navy & the U.S. Army National Guard. While in military service, he entered South Carolina State University graduating in 1999 with a major in History with a minor in Arts, and in 2000 earned a Master’s Degree in Theology from New Life Theological Seminary. He received his doctorate in Divinity from New Life Theological Seminary in 2002.
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